Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Them

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!!!!!!!!!

            HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY TO EVERYBODY!!!!!  Hope you are wearin green! If not I just pinch you!! I challenge you to tell everyone you see "Happy St. Patrick's Day!!" And if you are a christian, tell at least ten random people about Jesus. Remember, Jesus is in everything we do!!!!!


     I have some of the greatest neighbors you could ask for. I was talking to my neighbor about my garden I was going to start right? She told me not to buy seeds because she would have seeds left over from her garden. How Nice Can A Person Get??? We are going to clean her yard for her ,and she insists that she pays us with her income tax money.  We are still trying to convince her she doesn't need to. We absoluty LOVE her and her husbanb. Take the time to realize what good neighbors you have...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


    I AM SOO SORRY!!!!!!!! I haven't been on because I forgot my password to it. But everything is all right now (sigh). Well there is one thing good about right now. IT IS SPRING BREAK!!!!!!! So I will be on here more often from now on. And that is a promise. :) I am going to start a little garden. I will keep you posted on how it is comin along. I plan to plant carrots and maybe onions. Well just keep on breathin and believin!!!!! <3